Feelings are complicated right?!
Some can be quiet, buried away, & harder to recognise than others. Expressing ourselves accurately is such a valuable lifeskill for both adults & little people.
〰️ So many “AH HA” moments are possible when we apply emotional intelligence!
But what are we to do when we don’t actually know how we’re feeling? We can’t connect with our support system because we don’t have the words 🧐
〰️This is a huge challenge that children grapple with moment to moment too.
Enter “The Feelings Wheel.” This is a widely used resource around the world and we have a children’s and adults version.
How to use it:
- Check in with yourself to “meet the moment.” Scan the inside section of the wheel to identity the primary emotion.
- Work outwards to the tertiary emotion. This process builds emotional intelligence
- Communicating what you land on with yourself, your partner or someone else is so much easier when you have the words! The wheel helps get to that. This can be challenging but remember… Your feelings are valid and they are yours to experience… Even when they might not make logistical sense or be what you want.
- Action. Insight empowers us to manage emotional responses effectively. This reduces impulsive reactions (haven’t we all been there!) and promotes more thoughtful & measured responses.
- Practice. Articulating emotion better is an awesome skill to have and like anything, it gets easier the more you do it 🙌
CLICK HERE to download the adults feeling wheel
CLICK HERE to download the childrens' feelings wheel
The Feelings Wheel was created by Dr Gloria Willcox which built on the work of Professor Robert Plutchik. This widely used framework puts words to our emotions which in turn can help us care for our mental health.
For children…Here are some of the advantages of the feelings wheel
- Display fewer behavioural problems
- Do better in school
- Are more empathetic & supportive of others
- Develop healthy coping skills and resilience
- Have a positive self image
- Have positive & stable relationships with others
- Better mental health
Reach out on socials or reply if you have thoughts, feedback or something to share. We hope this helps you! ✨