This simple 5-step technique engages your senses to bring you back to the present moment. You can do these steps out loud or say them in your head.

Find 5 things you can SEE

Find 4 things you can TOUCH

Find 3 things you can HEAR

Find 2 things you can SMELL

Find 1 thing you can TASTE

Try to notice things that you wouldn’t typically tune into — like the humming of a radiator or the texture of your skin. Once you’ve noticed these things, try describing them in detail. This will help you engage with the world around you.

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Sparks Newsletter // Less Noise, More Life

Last week on our Instagram we covered the value "mindfulness." In case you don't know, we post content over there that works through The Values List in alphabetical order. You don’t have to attend...

Sparks Newsletter // Loving Extravagantly

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5 Steps to help manage boundary breakers

Have you ever crossed a line or had your boundaries crossed?Shame free zone here… I answer yes to both questions! Boundary violations happen & sometimes without intention. ⁠ If you’ve...

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